Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Truth Journal: Late Night Jokes, Funny Videos About Obama Scandals: IRS, Benghazi, AP

A Truth Journal: Late Night Jokes, Funny Videos About Obama Scandals: IRS, Benghazi, AP: From Denny:  Come on; you knew this was coming.  The jokes are too good and the funny photos of Tea Party protesters who just can't spell their own language in sign after sign is shocking.  OK, unbelievable.  America needs to increase our public school education and reteach these folks their own language: English.

It's no wonder the IRS sought to investigate the Tea Party groups who were demanding tax exempt status.  Their paperwork was probably so filled with spelling errors they weren't sure what was going on.  If these Tea Party signs are any indication of the lack of intellectual caliber of these political groups the IRS tried to check out, it isn't any surprise as to why they felt compelled to do so.

Magic Coffee Fonts Silver iPhone 5 Case

Magic Coffee Fonts Silver iPhone 5 Case

Magic Coffee Fonts Galaxy S3 Case

Magic Coffee Fonts Galaxy S3 Case

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Truth Journal: Cool WTF? Government Officials Are Voluntarily Giving Up Salaries Back to Taxpayers?

Tired dogs
Tired dogs (Photo credit: jimbob!)

A Truth Journal: Cool WTF? Government Officials Are Voluntarily Giving Up Salaries Back to Taxpayers?: From Denny:  Just when we are all so furiously angered at the selfishness of our government officials for the usual screw-ups, pure laziness and lack of will to make positive corrections, there happens to be two of them that rose above and beyond the call of duty.  Yes, there are two federal officials that have landed in the Admiration Corner today.  These two men are class acts.

Turns out the sequestration mess caused high levels of Pentagon civilian employee furloughs - to the tune of 750,000 people.  The plan was to lay off these unhappy folks for 22 days but that has been cut back to 14 days.  Still, it isn't easy to lose one of your paychecks - even though it's spread out over many months through September.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced that huge block of civilian furloughs will save $2.5 billion for the Pentagon budget.  The sequestration across-the-board budget cuts went into effect on 1 March which amounts to $41 billion.  This $2.5 billion employee furlough will be tacked to that reduction.

Funny Friday Enthusiasm iPhone 5 Case

Make each day of the week like Friday and your life will take on new enthusiasm

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Social Poets: What Obama and Romney Should Be Talking About: These 2 Sick Little Girls

Thank You

The Fish girls:  Alice, left and Natalie, right -  Source:  Fishes For Marrow Wishes-Sisters

The Social Poets: What Obama and Romney Should Be Talking About: These 2 Sick Little Girls: From Denny:  It's time to stop the madness along with the childish political campaign bickering.  Americans don't want to hear it anyway.  There are bigger issues at stake like the lives of these two seriously ill little girls from Utah, Natalie and Alice Fish.  In light of what this one American family is enduring should shame all the national politicians who are so self-absorbed they have not stopped long enough to notice.

I'm so disgusted with the 2012 election's childish name-calling tone and enabling media encouraging it that I change the channel constantly.  As a respite yesterday I went up on my page at Google + to catch up on those who friended me.

Well, it turned out these little Fish girls' parents friended me (that's a link to their Google+ page).  It's a good thing I always take the time to read a profile page or I might have missed this struggling life drama of a middle class family.  These little girls are real troopers and have been living in and out of hospitals since they were born.  Their parents are to be commended for going the distance with not just one child but now two with this rare problem. 

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny 2012 Election Politics, Obama, Bin Laden Cartoons

The Social Poets: Funny 2012 Election Politics, Obama, Bin Laden Cartoons: "From Denny:  When it rains it pours, goes the proverb. It applies to weather these days from the Spring snow melt-offs flooding the American Midwest to the South to the frenetic weirdo politics of 2012 presidential campaigning.

Mississippi River flood

I live in south Louisiana in Baton Rouge, a large city just south of the Morganza Spillway. The Army Corps of Engineers let open a number of gates to flood 18,000 acres of farmland and small towns. They hoped to save two of the largest population centers that are each a large port:  the capital city of Louisiana, Baton Rouge and the largest port, New Orleans."

*** To read more and see the cartoons just click on the link ***

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny Friday Lite: Osama Bin Laden Late Nite Jokes

Lisa Benson

The Social Poets: Funny Friday Lite: Osama Bin Laden Late Nite Jokes: "From Denny:  While the news outlets continue to dissect the details of the Bin Laden compound raid, the comedians have wasted no time in concocting their best jokes.  The jokes center less around Bin Laden and his demise and more around everyone's perception of the decade-long situation. President Obama is seen in a new and more favorable light."

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Social Poets: Dead: Osama Bin Laden, Time To Stop Iraq-Afghan Wars

The Social Poets: Dead: Osama Bin Laden, Time To Stop Iraq-Afghan Wars: "From Denny: Justice came swiftly this weekend, dished out from American Special Forces in a deadly fire fight, unleashed by President Obama to kill decades-long terrorist Osama Bin Laden. The mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001 was found living in the lap of luxury in a large mansion in the affluent suburb of Abbottabad, about 30 miles outside of Islamabad, Pakistan. As it was, in the 40 minute fire fight, it was believed he used one of his wives as a human shield as he fired upon the assault team.

Terrorist cult leader turned world pariah

Like the typical cult leader he preached sacrifice and frugal living to his dewy-eyed followers yet enjoyed a lavish life style for himself, his family and closest followers."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Whats Happening in America, This Weeks Political Cartoons - 10 Apr 2010

From Denny: We all have heavy hearts as we watched the coal mining disaster in West Virginia unfold this week. I haven't commented any about this news story as I had a bad feeling all the miners were dead. When families are grieving they need to hold onto hope as they process what they already know to be true. Like so much of America I've been praying for the families of the miners as they travel through this sad journey.

The harshest fact is this disaster should never have happened. The owners and managers of that mine were fined constantly for not ventilating the mine properly. That's mining 101 in any one's book. It's bad karma when business people exhibit this depraved indifference toward others. This is another sad example as to why we must place restraints upon unrestricted free trade and rash business practices. Safety should be the utmost priority for workers.

Moving along to political disasters there is the much touted Tea Party, comprised of loud screamers and unhooded racists. There is a nasty violence growing among these loosely formed - and increasingly trending as - domestic political terrorists. Too many of their leaders have advocated violence against America's lawmakers and President. Too many of the wing nut followers have taken up the call and phoned in and faxed death threats to the President and the lawmakers, primarily Democrats.

There is just something inherently so terribly un-American about Americans calling on other Americans to turn on each other like a pack of rabid dogs. There was a time when this country used to stand for something and we stood together - in spite of our political differences. The toxic atmosphere by this generation's version of Republicans and vicious talk show hosts has turned America into a virtual wasteland where neighbors don't trust each other any more or care for one another like they once did. How long before America comes to its senses to realize how much the worst and darkest parts of themselves have been manipulated into doing the bidding of vicious people?

Adding more insult to America is the Virginia governor who was pandering to his Republican Party racists and promoted the month of April as Confederate Month. The Civil War was the ugliest war in America's history where brother literally fought against brother - and not always for the reasons listed by history books. Many families fought on both sides of the war. For some in the South who were wealthy it really was about fighting against abolishing slavery. They knew if slavery was abolished they would go bankrupt as slavery was the cheapest labor on the market. Depraved but true.

Most in the South, especially those who were not wealthy, fought for state's rights over a centralized federal government which frightened many. You have to remember, in another time, Big Business and Congress charged the first impeachment process toward President Andrew Johnson over the fact he was serious about turning America to a centralized banking system.

Immature people hate and fear change. They want what they already know over an uncertain future even when all turns out well in the end. Which brings us to the Tea Party folks who dread change like temper tantrum throwing toddlers whose whole world is self-centered interest. They don't want change even when it will benefit them. I guess these are the control freaks in America who don't like their authority taken away. They did such a lousy job of leadership they did not deserve to continue in power because they caused so much misery to millions of fellow Americans on so many levels.

Speaking of abuse, the Catholic Church has yet to accept accountability at the heart of the Vatican. The corruption is so rampant the Church is already fractured and breaking up on a spiritual level. It's time to decentralize this Church of one billion members into country or continental groups where it is more manageable to keep track of and discipline unacceptable clergy. No one should have the right to prey upon little children. It's despicable. It's even more despicable to enable these guys to continue, not standing up for the vulnerable in society and doing right by them. To be excommunicated by a corrupt clergy means nothing to the real God. If you are right with God then He is right with you. No church can exercise otherwise.

To prevent this sexual abuse in the future it's time the federal governments - where especially America should take the lead and - should start taxing the church environment. Exempting churches from taxes has been a wrong social experiment that requires correction. The church environment, no matter the religion or the denomination or sect, has been an environment ripe for corruption. It is easy to hide wrong-doing like Muslim terrorists, easy to develop an unhealthy cult like the bizarre Waco crowd, and easy to encourage sexual predators in a group that is above the touch of the law - like the recent Protestant and Catholic situations.

On a lighter note, cartoonists had great fun lampooning the new iPad roll out in technology. Steve Jobs was compared often to God and his followers as mindless sheep addicted to the newest technology.

More fun was poked at the IRS season with all kinds of good humor and hand-wringing by the average taxpayer. Well, at least we are rid of King George Bush's excessive taxation "fun." That's one piece of good news. I figure if we all howl loud enough, and vote often, over the next few years we can fine tune our current government's efforts into something good for all. We must continue to press hard against the wealthiest interests as the lobbyists have not left our lawmaker's sides as the thorns in the side of the American public.

Mourning the coal miners who lost their lives:

The iPod "roll out":

Racist American Militia Groups Rising in conjunction with the Tea Party. Makes you wonder how many of them have dual-"citizenship" in those two groups:

The economy, and how America is faring, as it spurts and sputters trying to revive itself:

Obama and the strange twists and turns of his Presidency, his choices:

Republicans and their strange shenanigans:

Religious Sex Scandals in Europe - their turn:

Tiger Woods - who still doesn't "get it" - again. He actually had the nerve today to compare his comeback with that of golfer Hogue. Hogue was in a terrible car accident where he was told he would never walk again. He was a hero. He had thrown his body over his wife, and, in so doing, saved her life. He eventually learned to walk again and returned to golf. Somehow, Tiger Woods is living in a fantasy in his head if he thinks he can even remotely compare himself to this man of good character and heroics. Woods must be an undiagnosed narcissist and that condition is very difficult to treat:

The Perils of Education in America:

That Irritating IRS:

*** For more of the "Irritating IRS" cartoons that were not available for embedding and so very funny, go here.

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