Dennys Links

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

5 Funny Thanksgiving Quotes, Photos

Trash-talking turkeys just passing the time until someone took them seriously... Photo by stevevoght @ flickr from another of my funny posts: 21 Funny Thanksgiving Fighting Turkey Photos

From Denny: I found some hilarious Thanksgiving Day quotes along with a few smart jokes and LOL holiday poems for this week's Cheeky Quote Day over at The Social Poets blog. Click on the links below for the full post of funnies and the Obama Turkey Pardon Preparation Video. Here's a sampling taste to get you started on your holiday grinning, enjoy!


* If you count all your assets, you always show a profit. ~ Robert Quillen

* Here I am 5 o'clock in the morning stuffing bread crumbs up a dead bird's butt. - Roseanne Barr

* It was dramatic to watch my grandmother decapitate a turkey with an ax the day before Thanksgiving. Nowadays the expense of hiring grandmothers for the ax work would probably qualify all turkeys so honored with 'gourmet' status. - Russell Baker

* Thanksgiving is America's national chow-down feast, the one occasion each year when gluttony becomes a patriotic duty. ~ Michael Dresser

* I love Thanksgiving turkey. It's the only time in Los Angeles that you see natural breasts. ~ Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

*** For more funny holiday quotes, holiday jokes and hilarious poems, the Obama funny video about his first act of turkey pardoning (wonder if it's name is Cheney???) and great holiday recipe links, check out The Social Poets and Cheeky Quote Day, go here.

*** Thanks for visiting and come back often for a grin! :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Funny Editorial Cartoons 21 Nov 2009

From Denny: Every Saturday I round up the best editorial cartoons of the week. They sure do lampoon the latest news! This week women have been up in arms angry at new health care guidelines which sounded really lame. There is the controversy over bringing Gitmo terrorists onto American soil to hang 'em in the New York courts just blocks away from the still destroyed Twin Towers area. Comments about Prez Obama's trips to Japan and China, too much bowing and nice-nice for most cartoonists apparently. Plenty of cartoonists lampooning Congress about health care.

Be sure to check out the funny video of Comedy Central's Jon Stewart lampooning the Palin book tour and the GOP in general. There are real news headline links to check out about the book tour farce and how Palin has already stiffed her fans, leaving them hanging literally out in the cold for hours in the rain in Indiana. They were not happy campers at all. Well, that's what you get when your hero is a fantasy: reality face slaps.

So, hike on over to The Social Poets where I park those cartoons every week and enjoy yourself today! BTW, thanks, everyone for visiting. You have been coming by the thousands, quite the unexpected turnout for my comedy parties, thank you! I'll make sure I order more appetizers for my hungry hordes... :)

This Weeks Editorial Cartoons 21 Nov 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Video: Unusual Exotic Thanksgiving Menu, Poll on Turkey Vs. Sides Debate

From Denny: This video is pretty funny as well as informative. Two NYT writers who are best friends have a friendly rivalry about which do people like best at Thanksgiving: the turkey or the sides? At the end of the video (no fast forwarding to peek now) is a poll of viewers with the astounding results.

One interesting fact about using salt for brining the turkey is that salt kills bacteria that poultry is notorious for having. Even when I don't brine I use a salt rub on any poultry or fish, leave it on for about 10 minutes or so, soak another 10 minutes in salt water, then wash it off and proceed with normal cooking, baking or grilling. So, if you are concerned about bacteria then brining a turkey may be your best choice.

The side dishes talked about in the video are simple to make and an unusual twist for the sweet potato category. That dish uses a Thai flavoring of coconut milk and red curry paste.

The dressing has chanterelle mushrooms, thyme, white wine, pears and pancetta for wonderful flavoring.

Recipes that follow the video:

Dry-Brined Turkey

Two-Way Chanterelle and Pear Bread Stuffing

Fiery Sweet Potatoes

Dry-Brined Turkey

The New York Times


• 1 12- to 16-pound turkey, preferably a heritage or pasture raised bird
• 1/2 cup kosher salt, more if needed
• 1 tablespoon black pepper
• 10 sprigs fresh thyme
• 1/2 bunch flat leaf parsley
• 2 small onions, halved
• 2 small apples, cored and halved
• 1/2 cup butter
• 1/2 cup white wine (optional)


Two days before serving, rinse turkey and pat dry. Rub all over with kosher salt, slipping salt under skin where possible and rubbing some into cavities. Use about 1 tablespoon per four pounds of bird.

Wrap bird in a large plastic bag and place in refrigerator. On second night, turn turkey over. A couple of hours before cooking, remove turkey from bag and pat dry. Place in roasting pan and allow to come to room temperature.

Heat oven to 450 degrees. Sprinkle half the pepper into main cavity of turkey; add thyme, parsley, half the onions and half the apples. Truss legs with kitchen twine. Put remaining apples and onions in neck opening and tuck neck skin under bird.

Rub butter under breast skin and onto thigh meat. Sprinkle bird with remaining pepper.

Roast for 30 minutes. Remove turkey from oven, reduce heat to 350 degrees and cover breast of bird and wing tips with foil. Add a cup and a half of water or white wine to bottom of roasting pan and roast bird for another two hours, depending on size; figure 12 minutes a pound for an unstuffed bird. Remove foil in last half-hour so breast browns.

When turkey has roasted for two hours, begin to test for doneness by inserting a meat thermometer (digital is best) into two places in thigh, making sure not to touch bone. It should be at about 160 degrees.

When roasting is done, tip turkey so interior juices run back into pan. Remove turkey to a separate baking sheet or serving platter, cover with foil and then a damp kitchen towel and allow to rest for at least 30 minutes.

Pour fat and drippings from pan into a measuring cup. Deglaze pan with white wine or broth and pour that into same measuring cup. Fat and drippings can then be used to make gravy.

Two-Way Chanterelle and Pear Bread Stuffing

The New York Times

Time: One hour plus 24 hours for drying bread

Yield: Enough stuffing for a 12-to-14-pound turkey and a dozen muffin tins. If not stuffing a turkey, recipe will fill two dozen muffin tins or a small casserole dish.


• 1 large loaf Pullman or other firm white bread
• 1 pound chanterelle mushrooms
• 1/3 pound pancetta, diced small
• 10 tablespoons butter, more for greasing muffin tins
• 1 large chopped onion
• 1/4 cup minced shallots (about three)
• Salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 1/3 cup white wine
• 3 1/2 cups diced pears (about four or five firm, ripe varieties like Bartlett or Anjou) plus one whole pear
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• 1 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh thyme, or 1 1/2 teaspoons dried thyme
• 1/4 cup minced chives
• 1/3 cup chopped Italian parsley
• 2 cups turkey stock


Tear bread into small pieces and set in roasting pan or bowl. To dry bread, cover with paper towels and leave out overnight. Or, place on a baking sheet in batches and lightly toast. Set aside.

Wipe mushrooms with a clean, damp towel. Trim tough ends. Slice some thickly, chop others. Set aside. Place pancetta in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook slowly until fat is rendered, about 7 minutes. Remove to a large plate.

Add 2 tablespoons butter to fat in pan and turn heat to medium high. Add onion and shallots, season with salt and pepper, and cook, stirring occasionally, until just soft. Do not brown. Remove to plate holding pancetta.

Add 3 tablespoons butter to pan. Add mushrooms, season with salt and pepper and quickly sauté until starting to brown. Remove and add to plate.

Add wine to pan and deglaze over medium high heat, cooking until wine reduces by about half. Pour remaining liquid over mushrooms. Wipe out pan and add remaining butter. Add pears and sugar and season with salt and pepper. Sauté pears, in batches if necessary, over medium high heat until they begin to brown slightly.

In a large bowl or roasting pan, add sautéed ingredients to bread. Toss lightly to combine. Add herbs and toss again. Slowly pour one cup stock over mixture and toss. Add more broth to make a very moist stuffing. Taste and adjust for salt and pepper. If you are stuffing a brined turkey, remember that the bird will add a bit more salt.

Just before roasting turkey, place some room-temperature stuffing lightly inside a prepared bird. Place whole pear in opening of cavity to help hold stuffing in the bird.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Generously butter muffin tins and fill each with stuffing, pressing down so each cup is well filled. Top each with one tablespoon stock. Bake for about 20 to 30 minutes, until a golden crust forms on bottom. To serve, use a butter knife to remove each stuffing muffin and invert onto the plate.

Fiery Sweet Potatoes

The New York Times

Yield: 10 to 12 servings


• 5 pounds sweet potatoes
• 1 cup coconut milk
• 1 tablespoon Thai red curry paste
• 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
• 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
• 1 teaspoon salt.


Heat oven to 375 degrees. Bake potatoes on a baking sheet until very soft, about 1 hour. When cool enough to handle, peel and mash.

In a small saucepan, heat coconut milk with curry paste over low heat. Mix coconut milk mixture, half the sugar, half the butter, and salt into potatoes. Keep warm until ready to serve, or cover and refrigerate up to two days.

At least 30 minutes before serving, heat oven to 425 degrees. Put potatoes in a baking dish, cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes. Uncover potatoes, dot with remaining butter and sugar and broil until brown and crusty on top, checking often to prevent scorching.

*** For a wide variety of turkey recipes:

6 Easy Turkey Thanksgiving Recipes and Gravy, Roasting Tips and Advice

Video: 8 Cajun Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes, BBQ Turkey, Deep Fry Turkey, Roasting Tips

*** Check out New York Times and their ideas for Thanksgiving Day where Mark Bittman has all kinds of creative ideas for side dishes for you: 101 Head Starts on the Day

For a typical Louisiana sweet: Louisiana Culture: Heavenly Hash Cake

*** Thanks for visiting! :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

7 Funny Quotes About Reading Habits

Reading Upside Down Photo by garryknight @ flickr

From Denny: Today, and every Wednesday, is Cheeky Quote Day over at The Social Poets, one of my many blogs where I dance on the airwaves. Here's a sampling of what's going on today:


* A classic is something that everybody wants to have read
and nobody wants to read. ~ Mark Twain ~

* Never lend books, for no one ever returns them;
the only books I have in my library are books
that other folks have left me. ~ Anatole France ~

* I read the newspaper avidly. It is my one form of continuous fiction. ~ Aneurin Bevan ~

* Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore? ~ Henry Ward Beecher ~

* Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside a dog, it's too dark to read.
~ Groucho Marx ~

* Books are the blessed chloroform of the mind. ~ Robert Chambers ~

* Never judge a book by its movie.
~ J. W. Eagan ~

*** To read a bonanza of funny quotes like this, hike on over to The Social Poets for Cheeky Quote Day to get some more grins, go here.

*** Thanks for visiting and come back often! :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Catch Up on This Weeks 51 Posts At Dennys Blogs 17 Nov 2009

From Denny: After a year of blogging, I turned around and suddenly realized I've been producing a lot of content. Nor am I silly enough to think you check in every day with every blog. :) So, in case you missed anything this week, here's a menu of various posts all in one place for an easy read - and bookmark - so you can read when you feel like it:

From The Social Poets:

Roundup of Sunday Funnies 16 Nov 2009

Life Advice Poem by Rudyard Kipling

This Weeks Editorial Cartoons 14 Nov 2009

Reflections of That Moment - Libations Friday! 13 Nov 2009

5 Powerful Soul Affirmations, Soul Journey Poem

Funny Money Advice - Cheeky Quote Day! 11 Nov 2009

Musicians Are Territorial Animals, Funny Post by David Thomas

Roundup of Late Night Funnies, Cartoons 9 Nov 2009

From the funny posts at Dennys Funny Quotes and Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd:

From Dennys Funny Quotes:

Funny Secret to Longevity Photo and Story

10 Funny Love Quotes, Funny Cat Photo

Funny Money Advice, Cheeky Quote Day at The Social Poets

Video: Weirdest American Gluttony Foods

3 Paradoxically Funny Head Scratching Quotes

Awww, 7 Funny Dog Photos to Make You Laugh

What's stupidly popular at Dennys Funny Quotes these days:

42 Monday Morning Funny Coffee Quotes, Coffee Cartoon

25 Weird Coffee Trivia to Astound and Amuse You

10 Funny Work Quotes for Monday Morning

5 Monday Morning Posts to Get You Laughing!

From Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd:

9 Funny Socially Inappropriate Store Signs - what gets lost in translation from Chinese or Japanese into English, some really tacky ones!

Ouch! Best Love Story in Three Pictures: Prez Bush and Sec Condi Rice - a bit silly.

Outrageous Video: Overview of World Censorship on the Web - serious look at how content is heavily censored and in which countries, interesting overview.

First Lady Michelle Obama on Leno Show - how the Obamas don't take themselves too seriously.

Odd News Video: Liquor Warehouse Implodes in Russia

Weird News: Man in Breathalizer Costume Arrested by Police

10 Outrageous Glenn Beck Quotes That Prove Insanity

From the food blogs, Romancing The Chocolate and Comfort Food From Louisiana:

From Romancing The Chocolate:

Savory Chocolate Recipe: Mini Hamburger Sliders with Sauce

Chocolate Trivia from Horror Director Hitchcock

Video: Cool Food Gifts for the Holidays, Southern Sweet Chocolate Coconut Pie Recipe

3 Quick Awesome Chocolate Recipes for the Holidays

Chocolate Trivia - Who Are the Biggest Chocolate Gluttons on the Planet?

Warm Chocolate Pudding Cake

From Comfort Food From Louisiana:

Video and Recipes: Holiday Challah and Ciabatta Stuffings, Vegetarian and Sausage

Cajun Joke: Boat For Sale by Beaudreaux and Thibodeaux

Video and Recipes: 3 Fabulous New Orleans Sweets

Cajun Joke: Boudreaux and Thibodeaux Fix Destroyed New Orleans Levee

Video: Unbelievable, OK, Weird, Foods and Recipes

Cajun Joke: Boudreaux and Thibodeaux Play Golf

Video and Recipes: Lobster Grits Polenta, Turkey Andouille Sausage Grits Casserole

Coca-Cola Glazed Baby Back Ribs

From Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:

Life is a Gift!

Whats Your Attitude Toward Life?

Veterans Day Quote, Links to Memorial Poems, Peace Quotes

3 Wonderful Quotes About Joy

5 Powerful Soul Affirmations, Soul Journey Poem

How Do You Know If You Have a Weak Mind?

When Something Inside You Dies, Do You Know How to Renew Your Life?

Do You Sell Your Soul For Others Admiration?

From The Healing Waters:

Video: Tim McGraw Making a Difference

Video: Halle Berry Making a Difference for Battered Women

The Perfect Work Quote to Keep Your Head Straight on Monday Mornings

Video: Awareness, and Gibran Quote

*** Thanks for visiting and come back often! :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

5 Powerful Soul Affirmations, Soul Journey Poem

5 Powerful Soul Affirmations, Soul Journey Poem

"Soul affirmations are a way to look at nourishing your patient ancient soul and convincing your ego to play nice, cooperate and learn to share with others while letting your soul out to play. It’s a way to blend the wise with the younger part of self still in the learning stage.

Our egos are trained and shaped and often defeated by the family and national culture into which we are born. Once we become adults it is up to us to parent those parts of ourselves that have been undernourished, neglected. Often we have been denied acceptance, understanding and love."

By Denny Lyon @ HubPages

From Denny: As we go into the holiday season and the cooling weather to prepare for winter when Nature sleeps and rests, our thoughts turn inward to reexamine our lives and meditate upon inner healing.

Though I choose to be a mystical Christian, this article can really apply to any religion or life philosophy based upon self-improvement so we can understand better the Life around us. There are wonderful art photos for the poem too, enjoy!

5 Powerful Soul Affirmations, Soul Journey Poem

*** Thanks for visiting and come back often! :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Video: Halle Berry Making a Difference for Battered Women

From Denny: If you missed this segment you will definitely want to watch it. Halle Berry grew up with an abusive father who battered her mother. Today, the actress is helping other women get strong, help heal them and their children and build new - and confident - lives.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Funny Money Advice, Cheeky Quote Day at The Social Poets

Money at hand by Don Hankin @ flickr

From Denny: It's Cheeky Quote Day over at The Social Poets where I stash a lot of humor as well. Actually, TSP was the blog that started it all with the funny quotes posts! Then the blog, Dennys Funny Quotes, spun off, guess it was a case of ROTFLOL...

As I researched just a few money quotes they struck me as, well, so odd they were funny. Guess I couldn’t help myself in the cheeky department, as an irreverent being and all. Then I ran across a cute quiz for odd words and phrases to entertain you too.

Here's a sampling of some of the oddest money advice quotes:

* Never invest in any idea you can't illustrate with a crayon. - Peter Lynch

* If the nation's economists were laid end to end, they would point in all directions. - Arthur H. Motley

* Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells. - J. Paul Getty

* The safe way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket. - Frank Hubbard

* Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work. - Robert Orben

*** For the full post with more funnies and the quiz, Funny Money Advice - Cheeky Quote Day 11 Nov 2009, go here.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Awww, 7 Funny Dog Photos to Make You Laugh

From Denny: 7 funny dog photos to amuse and delight! I've been collecting these for a while this past year. Like so many things floating around on the worldwide web, many are without proper attribution to the photographer. If you happen to know about any of these images, shoot me an email: Denny Lyon - warriorspearl @ Glad to hear from you, thanks!

Photo courtesy of byme249 @ StumbleUpon - he collects a lot of funnies; check him out!

Ouch! From the socially inappropriate, and ironically true...

Photo by ano-cha @ flickr of Cocoa the dachsund clowning around.

Sunning Lab mocks by sticking his tongue out at the photographer. No attribution available on this one, if you know, shoot me an email.

I'm crazy for ya, baby! by inga @ flickr

Oh, the art of hiding out with my pet dog who is clueless...

Jack Russell terriers sleeping with their pet cheetah on the master's bed in South Africa - this came from a story from a UK newspaper.

*** Thanks for visiting and come back often! Keep laughing!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

What is the Inner Music in Your Life?

Photo from StumbleUpon, no attribution available

From Denny: This quote from Albert Einstein is telling of his inner joy dancing throughout his life. Have you tapped into your inner music lately? Take a moment and really listen inwardly for your quiet song.

Has your song changed since you were a child? My song is delightfully the same and there were those times when listening to it is what kept me going when faced with harsh outer reality. Staying connected kept me balanced. Take a moment to regain your own balance by listening to your inner song; relax, melt into it and validate yourself with beauty.


* If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. — Albert Einstein

*** Thanks for visiting and come back often! :)

*** For more quotes and photos like these, please visit Beautiful Illustrated Quotations, go here.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How Kindness Develops Your Strength - and Power to Attract Love

From Denny: Kindness is often a hard sell in an aggressive Western society like America and parts of Europe. Kindness has been derided as a weakness, especially by the Republicans and other conservative fundamentalist cultures worldwide who consider kindness undesirable.

The conservatives in America claim to hold to Christian principles and "What Would Jesus Do?" T-shirts, forgetting the whole point of Jesus was about kindness. Jesus was also humanity's strongest person ever to walk this Earth! He is known for his profound teachings that span the centuries.


Kindness in words creates confidence
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness
Kindness in giving creates love.

Lao-tzu, Chinese philiospher

*** Thanks for visiting and come back often! :)

*** For more quotes like this, please visit Beautiful Illustrated Quotations, go here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

6 Ironic Grinners! Cheeky Quote Day at The Social Poets - 4 Nov 2009

Ironic funny quotes comin' at ya, hard and fast! :)

From Denny: Found a lot of witty quotes for the Cheeky Quote Day! segment over at The Social Poets today! They will definitely get you thinking while you are laughing, a real two-fer to keep the brain cells in stellar fitness shape. :)

Witty quotes also make great writing prompts as they expose your mind to thinking about a subject from a different angle. Construct your own writing exercises for your blog or journal. Riffing off of quotes really does a lot to improve your writing. Give it a try and see for yourself!

Here are a few funny quotes for your tasty mind candy today (while you are detoxing from your Halloween candy high):


* All my best thoughts were stolen by the ancients. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

* Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. - Aldous Huxley

* The sinning is the best part of repentance. - Arab Proverb

* Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same. - G.B. Shaw, "Maxims for Revolutionists," 1898

* It's pretty hard to be efficient without being obnoxious. - Kin Hubbard

* Is a stolen copyright a copywrong? – Anonymous

*** Thanks for visiting, much appreciated and come back often for a grin!

*** To get to Ironic Grinners - Cheeky Quote Day! 4 Nov 2009 - go here.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lighter Than Air Almond Macaroon Cookies

From Denny: When you want something a little sweet but without all the extreme sport calories, often macaroons are just the ticket. My favorites are either coconut, chocolate or almond; there is just nothing like using almond paste in a recipe, awesome!

This recipe comes from a famous institution of a restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia: Nikolai's Roof. We had a lot of wonderful times at this restaurant. These cookies are a snap to make and would make lovely gifts for the holidays for friends and family or to serve at your gatherings!

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: These cookies are a fixture on Nikolai's Roof's dessert menu and are a snap to re-create at home. Almond paste can be found in a tube or a can in the baking section of grocery stores. These cookies can also be dropped by teaspoon, but using a piping bag speeds the prep and guarantees perfect circles. Try them out for the holidays.

Hands on time: 10 minutes
Total time: 22 minutes
Serves: 50


8 ounces almond paste
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups 10X confectioners' sugar
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 egg whites


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.

In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix almond paste, both sugars, flour and egg whites until well-blended and smooth. Pipe one-inch rounds onto a paper-lined pan using a plain piping tip fitted in a pastry bag. With damp fingertips, press down any peaks. Bake until lightly golden, about 10 to 12 minutes. Allow to cool on pans before removing from paper.


Per serving:
43 calories (percent of calories from fat, 26), 1 gram protein, 8 grams carbohydrates, no fiber, 1 gram fat, no cholesterol, 3 milligrams sodium.

*** Thanks for visiting and come back often!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Video and Recipe: Malaysian Rib Spring Rolls

From Denny: This video was originally run for the Fourth of July season, yet good food is good any time of the year. Right now, tail-gaters for the football season are looking for the unusual take on barbecue ribs and this recipe just jumped out at me to post. As an American kid who spent time in Asia, I grew to love Asian cooking and this chef just captures such wonderful flavors in this recipe you just have to try it! Chef Halston's recipe is both unusual and innovative.

Finger-licking good! Malaysian rib spring rolls, a mouthwatering Asian-themed dish

Malyasian rib spring rolls with maple and tuong basil sauces

From: Chef Andre David Halston


Malyasian short ribs

• 1/4 cup olive oil
• 2 pounds Sterling Silver beef short ritbs 1-bone
• 2 tablespoons porcini mushroom seasoning (Market Salamander brand)
• 1 teaspoon black pepper, milled
• 1 cup garlic cloves
• 2 tablespoons ginger, peeled and rough-chopped
• 8 full-length stems fresh rosemary
• 1 cup port wine
• Beef stock (enough to cover by 3/4)

Crisp spring rolls filling

• 1/4 cup olive oil
• 2 tablespoons garlic fresh chopped, fine
• 1 medium carrot
• 2 ounces leek, white and green julienne
• 1/2 pound Napa cabbage, shredded
• 1 tablespoon ginger, fresh peeled, very fine dice
• 1 tablespoon porcini seasoning
• 1 teaspoon sea salt, granulated fine
• 1 teaspoon black,peppe, milled
• 2 pounds short rib meat (shredded by hand)

Malaysian peanut slaw mix

• 3 full leaves white cabbage, fine shredded
• 3 full leaves Napa cabbage, fine shredded
• 1 full leaf red cabbage, fine shredded
• 2 leaves baby arugula leaves shredded
• 25 sticks carrots, peeled matchstick

Crisp spring rolls rolling

• 10 spring roll wrappers
• 1/2 cup egg whites (lightly whisked)
• 2 ounces short beef
• 1 ounce vegetable mix

Lite soy dipping sauce

• 1/2 cup lite corn syrup
• 1/2 cup soy sauce, light
• 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
• 1/2 cup green onions, sliced 1/4-inch
• 1 teaspoon mustard powder
• 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
• 1 tablespoon sesame oil
• 1/4 cup brown organic sugar
• 1 teaspoon ginger powder
• 1/4 cup rice vinegar, seasoned Marukan

Peanut dressing

• 1/2 cup rice vinegar, seasoned
• 1/2 cup peanut butter, creamy
• 1/2 cup soy sauce, lite
• 1/4 cup sesame oil
• 3/4 cup olive oil
• 4 ounces cilantro, fresh leaves, no stems
• 1/3 cup sugar, organic white
• 1 tablespoon mustard, ground dry
• 1 teaspoon ginger, dry powder
• 1 tablespoon Malaysian chili sauce
• 1 teaspoon black pepper, milled fine


Malaysian short ribs

Preheat oven to 250 degrees; you need the oven for 4 hours.

In a pan over high heat, warm the pan for 1 minute. Evenly sprinkle the meat with porcini mushroom seasoning.

Add the oil to the pan. Evenly cover the bottom of the pan with pieces of short ribs. Cook to a nutty brown color on one side; turn over, add the garlic cloves and ginger and cook to nutty brown. Add wine and bring to a boil. Add the beef stock and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat. Cover with a lid and place into the oven. Set the timer for 4 hours.

After cooking, place the pot uncovered into the refrigerator; when cool, remove the meat from the bone.

Spring rolls filling

In a saute pan over medium heat, warm the pan for 1 minute; add the oil and warm the pan for 30 seconds. Add the garlic, carrots, leek, cabbage and ginger; evenly sprinkle the vegetables with the porcini seasoning and sea salt; saute until the vegetables have softened, about 2 minutes. Spread the ingredients on a sheet pan; place uncovered in the refrigerator until cool.

Malaysian peanut slaw mix

Place all items into a bowl and evenly mix.

Crisp spring rolls wrap

Place the wrapper onto a clean sanitized area of a table with one point of the wrapper pointing toward you. Evenly brush the wrapper with the egg whites. Place the beef about 1 inch away from the point in a log shape. Place the vegetables on top of the beef. Place the point over the meat and veg. Mix, squeezing the mix tightly. Roll 1 time. Fold each edge tightly over the top and lightly press to seal. Continue to roll in a small log shape.

Lite soy dipping sauce

In a pot over medium heat add all ingredients; whisk for 1 minute and bring to a boil. Cook for 4 minutes exactly, whisking every minute, and remove. Pour the sauce into a glass or plastic container; refrigerate until cool.

Malaysian peanut dressing

Place the peanut butter in a plastic container. Place your Bermixer into a plastic container, add the vinegar, start the mixer. Add the soy sauce, sesame oil, olive oil, cilantro and mix for a few minutes. Add the sugar, mustard, ginger, chili sauce and pepper; mix for 2 minutes. Cover with a lid and refrigerate.